Alpha in the Catholic Context.
DeSiano, Rev. Frank CSP, and Rev. Kenneth Boyack, CSP. Awakening Faith: Reconnecting with Your Catholic Faith small group process that helps inactive Catholics return to the Church. The group meets once a week for six weeks of conversation and socializing. The conversations are based on short, easy to read essays.
Christmas Carol Festival: A New Way to Reach Inactive Catholics! Princeton, NJ: 2013. E-mail: [email protected], (609) 452-8954. This project helps inactive Catholics connect with our Christian heritage, with the Church, and with Jesus Christ through caroling in the weeks before and after Christmas. Resources include a Christmas Carol Festival Guidebook, training CD and online video resources! For more information go to & at or Welcoming ministry (English or Spanish) Website for learning about the Catholic faith, in a loving, non-judgmental atmosphere. Many resources, effective TV ads and steps for finding an RCIA program and/or local parish.
Catholics Reaching Out. Washington, DC: PEM, 2005. Paulist Evangelization Ministries. (202) 832-5022. Invitational approach to reaching inactive Catholics. Resource kit with invitations, Parishioner Guide, Parish Manual, and posters. “Catholics Returning Home” (CRH) is a parish based program designed to reach-out and invite non-practicing/inactive Catholics to return “Home to the Catholic Church” and resume active practice of their faith.
Christian Hospitality: A Handbook for Parishes. 4th Revision 2010. Evangelization Ministry, Archdiocese of Louisville, 1200 South Shelby St., Louisville, KY 40203-2600, (502) 585-3291. Created by multiple agencies, this handbook offers sample parish models and programs that make hospitality a cornerstone of effective reaching out.
Landings: A Ministry of Reconciliation. Paulist Fathers. Contact : Anna LaNave, [email protected], (202) 903-8673. Parish-based small group (8 - 10 week) process that empowers us to welcome returning Catholics.
Mews, Sally L. Catholics Continuing the Journey: A Faith-Sharing Program for Small Groups. Liguori, MO: Liguori Press, 2006. This six-week program, originally designed to help people grow in their faith after returning to the Church, is an excellent reflection tool for any study group in the parish setting.
___________. Inviting Catholics Home: A Parish Program. Liguori, MO: Liguori Press, 2002. and Contact: [email protected]. Six-week program with activities that point out shared experiences. Also available: “Stories of Faith from Catholics Returning Home” - a 28 minute DVD/video.
___________. Returning Home to Your Catholic Faith: An Invitation. Liguori, MO: Liguori Press, 2003. Guide book offering resources that facilitate a smoother transition in coming back to the Catholic Church.
New Movers List Program. Paulist Paulist Evangelization Ministries. (202) 832-5022,, E-mail: [email protected]. Reach out to newcomers via zip codes. New mailing lists monthly.
Reconciling Community—Celebrating the Sacrament of Penance. Washington, DC: PEM, 2005. Paulist Evangelization Ministries. (202) 832-5022, Offers invitations to the Sacrament of Reconciliation—with Parish Guide and CD, sample letters, penance services, examination of conscience, and a brochure called, What is the Sacrament of Penance?