If you’re watching Mass on TV this Christmas season, you’ll have a “new view” of the “old, old story” – thanks to donations of time, talent and treasure.
Catholic Charities beat all odds as volunteers delivered more than 3,100 Bishop's Thanksgiving dinners to homebound. More than 240 cars lined up to make deliveries.
A teachers’ union is calling for two weeks of remote learning at central Catholic schools following Thanksgiving – to protect against a “likely increase” in COVID-19 cases.
We recognize that everyone is trying to balance the risk of contracting this virus with delivering effective education of children and young people. The safety of our students, teachers and staff has been a priority since the first day of school.
St. Rose of Lima Parish expanded an annual day-long event into a week this year, seeking to “let their light shine” and stay connected while having to remain apart.
Last March, Knights of Columbus Mumford Council gave Our Lady of the Valley School $20,000 for technology. Not until recently were they able to see the results.
There remain several aspects in the proposal that are completely unacceptable... I am asking you to call your local Senator and urge him or her to vote no on any amendment that expands abortion in Massachusetts.
The Catholic Church teaches that life itself starts at conception and ends with natural death. House amendment number 759 . . .would expand abortion access in the Commonwealth well beyond what is enshrined in state law.
“I am grateful to the Holy Father that he requested such a thorough investigation of Theodore McCarrick and how he was appointed auxiliary bishop and later diocesan bishop of several dioceses and archdioceses and subsequently named Cardinal despite having sexually abused young people and adults. ..