Catholic evangelizing questions are so simple that we may not even consider them as evangelizing. ... Evangelizing questions can arise in almost any conversation we have with others because these are rooted in everyday life.
LEICESTER - St. Joseph Church has overlooked Main Street for more than 150 years, but it has been closed for nearly a decade and soon it will be torn down.
In his management letter, Bishop McManus acknowledged that continuing deficits have reduced available funds to “critically low levels,” he wrote. “As a result, following recommendations of the diocesan Finance Committee, we are taking significant and often difficult steps towards running on a balanced budget.”
Mary Jane Rein decided to leave her job as executive director of the Holocaust studies center at Clark University in Worcester, in hopes of finding a “warmer welcome” at Assumption University.
Father Jose F. Carvajal taught for five years and served as principal for three at a Catholic secondary school in his native Colombia, but after he was ordained in Worcester in 2021 the thought of running a Catholic high school again never entered his mind.
WORCESTER - When Father Jonathan J. Slavinskas receives the Madonna Della Strada Award from the New England Regional Council of the Ignatian Volunteer Corps in Boston on April 21, it will be an emotional day for many reasons.
St. Mary’s in Jefferson a vibrant faith community is seeking a part time outreach minister. For more information please contact Fr. Tim Brewer at [email protected] 508-829-4508.
St. Mary’s in Jefferson a vibrant faith community is seeking a part time organist/ music director. For more information please contact Fr. Tim Brewer at [email protected] or 508-829-4508
Immaculate Conception Parish in Worcester is seeking a part-time Parish Secretary, 15-18 Hours a week. Skills required: Good communication and computer skills. Knowledge of Microsoft Office applications, including Microsoft Publisher. Excellent organizational skills. Bookkeeping knowledge is beneficial but not mandatory. To apply, please submit a resume to [email protected]
Seeking to better honor her stillborn son, Samantha LaCroix became an ambassador for Count the Kicks, a stillbirth prevention program that provides educational resources to healthcare providers and expectant parents.
LEICESTER – Divine Mercy, and devotions associated with it, are important to the pastor and parishioners of St. Aloysius-St. Jude Parish, who shared some of their thoughts in conjunction with a special service there Sunday.
Head of school for St. Paul Diocesan Jr./Sr. High School, Michael Clark, announced Monday that he will be leaving the position at the end of June. On Wednesday, superintendent of Catholic schools, David Perda, announced that Bishop McManus is appointing Father José F. Carvajal as the new head of school effective July 1.
Groups from Catholic schools around the diocese attend this annual Mass that occurs on or near the feast of the Annunciation, at which Bishop McManus presents awards to local people active in pro-life work.
Mrs. Russell officially retired as executive editor of The Catholic Free Press on March 31 – Easter Sunday. She said it was a fitting time to retire, as Easter symbolizes new life.
Some 15,000 pilgrims are expected at the annual Divine Mercy Sunday Weekend, which takes place April 6-7 at the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy in Stockbridge.The shrine also is home to the U.S. provincialate of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception, who oversee the shrine.
Health care center residents raved about the privilege of attending Triduum services (Holy Thursday through Easter) where they live, since getting out to church would be difficult. Lay pastoral care directors, priests and religious sisters made that possible with their sacrifices and creativity.