Since parish changes, Divine Mercy has grown, bringing with it new hope for the Church and a glimpse into the history of St. Paul Church that straddles the Massachusetts-Rhode Island border.
Bishop McManus and superintendent of diocesan Catholic schools, David Perda, issued statements Friday in response to recent changes in federal immigration policies regarding churches and schools.
David Perda, Superintendent of Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Worcester, has asked Catholic school principals to share the following letter with parents regarding Immigration enforcement.
As Catholics we can never abandon a fundamental tenet of our faith: every person from conception to natural death is made in the image and likeness of God and is loved by God and, as such, deserves to be treated with dignity. This applies not only to the child in the womb, whom we remember in a special way this week at rallies in Washington DC and around the country, but also migrants, refugees, the homeless and all who are facing physical and emotional distress. We are all God’s children.
The billboard shows a woman cuddling a baby. It says, “Pro-Life: The Way of Love,” and “Care you can trust!” It gives a hotline number and a website about abortion, along with the school’s website.
Father Ralph Anthony DiOrio Jr., 94, referred to as the “healing priest” and founder and director of the Apostolate of Divine Mercy and Healing, passed away on Monday, Jan. 20 at Life Care Center of Auburn.
Mr. Lapointe said, theirs opens when the “real feel temperature” (which includes the wind chill factor) is 24 degrees Fahrenheit or below, or if the forecast is for three or more inches of snow.
The humanity, suffering and faith of migrants touched members of the Assumption University community who recently encountered them at the U.S.-Mexico border. The experience spurred ideas for responses.
(OSV News) – As many as 35 million visitors are expected in Rome in 2025. Many of them will be pilgrims for the jubilee, a holy year the church celebrates every quarter-century. While numerous events are planned in Rome and at the Vatican to mark the Jubilee 2025, this Holy Year is for the whole church. Here are some ways to celebrate without traveling farther than your local cathedral.
WORCESTER – The African Ministry in the Diocese of Worcester will celebrate its 25th anniversary in June in the same year that Catholics celebrate the 2025 Jubilee.
The St. Vincent de Paul Society is comprised of parish groups that are called conferences. Currently, there are twenty-two conferences in the diocese, organized into three districts.
“We prayed for so long to have somebody to build this church,” said parishioner Karloss Kozal, one of the generous contributors to Our Lady of Mercy. “So when they came in, it was perfect timing.”
WORCESTER – The call to have hope, that is “hope that doesn’t disappoint,” was echoed throughout the opening Mass of for the 2025 Jubilee Year on Sunday at St. Paul Cathedral.
At the same time, the Diocese of Worcester is celebrating its 75th anniversary.