"9 Days for Life" is a national novena of prayer, penance, and pilgrimage sponsored by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops taking place from Jan. 16 through 24. During this time we pray in a special way for the healing and conversion of our nation and for all people impacted by the culture of death.
The centerpiece of this prayer effort is a simple novena with different intentions, brief reflections and suggested acts of reparation that can be received directly each day by email, text message, or through a new mobile app for smartphones. It is particularly youth-friendly, while at the same time useful and adaptable by adults, teachers and catechists, families, parishes, etc.
To learn more about the 9 Days for Life novena, or to sign up to receive the daily intentions, visit www.9daysforlife.com. Don't forget to check out the "Resources for Leaders" webpage for ideas you can use with your parish or group.
Additional prayer resources, including sample holy hours, pro-life rosaries, intercessions, etc.) can be found on the USCCB Pro-Life Secretariat's pro-life prayers webpage.
More links:
Diocesan Events
March for Life
January 22 Day of Prayer and Penance